When You Need Assistance With A Complex Insurance Claim
You pay your insurance premiums, you get into a collision and the insurance company refuses to pay. This is a common situation our clients face. They take your premiums and do everything they can not to provide you with the compensation you deserve.
Almost all injury and property damage claims are covered by insurance. Hardly any lawsuit or claim is not covered by insurance. With a focus on profits, not people, insurance companies often delay, deny and distract from the real issues and value of a claim. Dombrowski Law Group, LLC, can help.
Getting You What You Deserve
Our firm has a strong history of getting our clients the money they deserve from insurance companies. Whether it is a underinsured or uninsured motorist claim, a large property damage claim, or another claim for injuries against an insurance company, we have a strong track record of making them pay.
Also, when delays and denials are unreasonable, we hold the insurance companies accountable for their actions. This is either in the form of lawsuits about their bad faith in handling the claims, or in consumer protection and insurance commission complaints. We can help you get what you deserve from these insurance companies.
Do You Need Help With A Claim? Schedule A Free Consultation.
You should not have to go through the confusing process of filing an insurance claim or challenging a denial on your own. Let us help. To request a free initial consultation, please call us at 860-219-0779 or send us an email.